The teams are posted! Everyone who made it must send in a confirmation comment ASAP!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Schedules: The Way Things Will Work, On A Weekly Basis

Slidoo | Tuesday, August 21, 20128:04 AM |

Some of you might be wondering how things are going to work. Well, here is a weekly schedule:

MONDAY: The weekly challenge is posted.
FRIDAY: The challenge is held at, as well as on Animal Jam, at 8:00 Eastern Time.
FRIDAY NIGHT: The results post will be up, announcing which team won, and which team will have to vote a player off.
FRIDAY NIGHT - SUNDAY MORNING: Players of the losing team cast their votes on who they would like to eliminate.
SUNDAY AFTERNOON: Results post goes up, and the person who is eliminated is announced.

Here are some questions some of you may have:

How many teams are there? There are 2 teams: The Tigers, and The Wolves.
How does somebody get eliminated? When a team loses a challenge, every player on that losing team must vote for somebody who is on their team. The person with the most votes gets eliminated.
What happens if 1 team runs out of players? When we're getting to the point where teams are getting too small, it will turn into every jammer for themselves.
Will there be twists? Yes, lots of them! Sometimes there may be a double elimination, or a player could even return to the game. Who knows what could happen?

People have been asking what happens when somebody misses a challenge.
If you miss a challenge, you get a strike. I don't care what the excuse is. A strike is not punishment, it's just ensuring that everyone will be as active as possible.
3 Strikes, and you'll be replaced.

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  1. Thanks for picking me. Usmc42. I try to go on it whenever i can.

  2. Replies
    1. And I am so confused with the convert time gadgets on the Internet, so can anyone figure out what 8:00 Eastern is for Western?

    2. If in Pacific time, 5:00, Mountain Time, 6:00, Central Time, 7:00

    3. Thank u so much!:D now to figure out a.m. Or p.m. I'm gonna own ur big cats love to pieces. >:D GO TEAM WOLVES!

    4. Wait, nvm. Don't tell me about the am pm thing :P -howls for team wolves-

    5. If it is morning, I can't do it. Sorry, I just can't. :(

  3. Mmm im thinking i might have to go on at 9:00 PM to get on the challenge :P

  4. if 8:00 in morning i can't do it because school starts at 7:20 in the morning


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